David Hyman, a partner in the Firm’s Government Relations practice, discusses the impact of John Dougherty’s resignation and the role Ryan Boyer will play as his successor. Dougherty resigned after being convicted of multiple counts of corruption. His resignation and the appointment of Ryan Boyer could create an opportunity for the business community to forge new relationships with organized labor and the city’s political leaders.

David explained that a lot will depend on how the business community responds to the new leadership.

“Ryan has shown the potential to build on existing relationships with the business community,” Hyman said. “I have a good feeling about where that could head. He has shown that if you meet him halfway, he’s willing to work with you. They have different personalities and leadership styles. Johnny Doc has a high-profile presence whereas Ryan is very understated. He’s also very collaborative, seeks input from different constituencies and is very thoughtful and deliberate. He also likes to address issues behind closed doors and resolve conflicts quietly.”

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