by Jay Goldstein

  • The average home lot in Philadelphia is about 1,420 square feet.
  • Philly’s average home size is the fourth smallest of the largest cities averaging around 1,280 square feet.
  • Philadelphia is an old, densely populated City with an abundance of rowhouses. With space being scarce, the average lot size for properties built between 2013 and 2022 is 35% smaller than the City’s average lot size overall.
  • In Philly – area home prices per square foot are rising faster than inflation; local home buyers are spending almost 50% more per square foot for a new home than they did five years ago.
  • Indeed buyers paid a median of $218 per square foot for a new single-family home in 2023. That’s up from $147 per square foot in 2018. This price increase ranks Philadelphia in the middle of the pack of large metro cities – number 23.
  • Why the rapid price increase – rising construction costs and a shortage of homes for sale.